Hope is something human beings need – the last couple of years have made us more aware of that than ever! We all need hope – something to look forward to, some light at the end of the tunnel. And a hope that doesn’t disappoint us.

If there is one thing Easter is about, it is hope. For 2000 years, Christians have found that the events that we remember at Easter bring hope – a hope which holds out even through the hardest circumstances. And we think, if you have the courage really consider what Easter is all about, you will find real reason for hope too.

That’s why we’d love to have you come and be part of our considerations and celebrations of the hope of Easter. We are celebrating this hope in a few ways:

  • A Good Friday service where we reflect on why Good Friday is ‘good’ (9:30am, Friday 15th)
  • An Easter Sunday service at church, celebrating the hope of Easter (9:30am, Sunday 17th)
  • An Easter Sunday family friendly service in Victoria Park, where we will share this hope together (11:30am at Victoria Park, with a picnic afterwards if you would like)

You are so very welcome to come and share in the Reality of Hope with us at Easter time.

For more info: https://stpetersoftherock.church/easter-services/