This Sunday as we looked at the book of Exodus (chapters 11-13) in our Sunday service, we saw that Passover was a defining moment for the people of Israel. We also saw that the cross, where Jesus our Passover Lamb was sacrificed, is the defining moment for us.
At the Passover there was a great victory over oppression and false gods, a substitution of the life of a lamb in place of the first-born son, protection for every house with blood on its doorposts, and the identity of the people of Israel forged in a moment they would always look back to.
At the cross of Jesus, we saw that God won the ultimate victory over the evil that oppresses us, that Jesus was our substitute who died in our place, that his blood gives us protection that even stands through death, and that we have a secure identity as we are made God’s children by what Jesus did at the cross.
Remembering that each day will change the way you see yourself and the world – just try it!
(to hear more, you can listen to the sermon here.)
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