Our weekly church service is at 95 Percival St at 9:30am on Sundays.

As well as our service we enjoy morning tea together and have hot soup once monthly during the colder months. Every other week we share the Lord’s supper (communion).

Kids on the Rock meet for kids aged between 3 and 15 (year 10) each week during term time, every other week for the older group, Rocks

Anyone is welcome, and we’d love to have you with us this Sunday! Just come along, 9:30am at 95 Percival Street.

Online Services:

The sermon below was preached when Chris and his family were in isolation, 27/03/22. We hope this, and the ones below us, give an idea about who we are. If you would like to meet us in person we would love to see you one Sunday.

The following videos were produced when we were in lockdown.

😊 Looking up while locked down 😊