At SPOTR we welcome people at all ages and stages. If you are here with children, we hope both you and your children will feel at home as you meet with us.

Caregiver’s Room – We have a caregivers room available every other week (the weeks that The Stones are not using it) , and every week in the school holidays, for those with young children. The room has a live video link of the service and a selection of toys for young children.  Toys are available for small children at the back of church and in the entrance foyer. Children are welcome at all times during the service.

Kids on the Rock – During the school term we run a Sunday school program for children aged between 3 and 15 years of age (up to year 10).  Children begin in the main service before leaving to attend their Sunday School classes. 

Pebbles (Ages 3-6) – Teaching is direct from the scriptures, supported by fun activities, songs and crafts. Classes run every week during term time.

Stones (Ages 6-11, years 2 to 6) – Teaching is direct from the scriptures, supported by fun games, activities and crafts which support the main learning objectives of the session. Classes run every week during term time.

Rocks (years 7-10) – Rocks, our intermediate age class, works on a fortnightly cycle. One week in the service, the next attending a Bible study session during the sermon time, focusing on the same scriptures and topics as the sermon, but in a more relaxed setting with time for questions and discussions. This term’s dates are October 15th and 29th, November 12th and 26th, and December 10th.


The dates for this term for Rocks are  July 23rd, August 6th, August 20th, Sept 3rd and Sept 17th.