A modern, traditional Anglican Church in Rangiora

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A Certain Journey – Return to Luke

We are about to undertake a new journey – a journey to Jerusalem, following the most influential person that ever lived, as we jump back into the Gospel of Luke. 

Over the last couple of years, we have returned to Luke a few times, working our way from the beginning up to the middle of chapter 9. We have called our series in Luke ‘A Certain Person’, because Luke focuses us on this certain person – Jesus Christ. He wants to give us certainty about the core facts of Jesus’ life, teaching, death and resurrection – and what those things mean for us. He can offer us this certainty because he has thoroughly investigated it all, and his account depends on the testimony of eyewitnesses (Luke 1:2-3).

As we reach the middle of chapter 9, there is a turning point in the story as Jesus is seen for who he truly is. He then sets out towards Jerusalem, literally ‘sets his face’ toward the famous Holy City. And then, for the next ten chapters, we follow him on a journey there. It is a certain journey, because he is determined to go to this particular place, certain in his intentions as he goes. Along the way there is much for us to learn from him about who can follow him, about what it means for our lives if we follow him. And about why we would want to follow him!

In the next 12 weeks or so, we will travel with Jesus for about the first half of this certain journey (up o the end of chapter 13).

It will be a great journey, full of challenge and inspiration for life. We would love to have you with us on this journey on Sunday mornings.

Church Service 22/05/22

This week’s service will be combined with the church camp 😃 So, no church service t our usual place, 95 Percival street on Sunday 22nd. We will be back at our usual spot the following week and would love to see you there.

Prophets from long ago with much to say to us.

Written in times war, of fear, of injustice, of rebuilding after disaster, of failures in religious institutions.

Many of us don’t know these little books that we find at the end of the Old Testament in our English Bibles, often called the ‘Minor Prophets’. But they were written to people facing very similar issues to us – and they have a powerful message for us today. That is why we have much to gain by listening to them, and why we are excited to be doing just that in our next sermon series – digging into the words of three of these prophets: Habakkuk, Haggai and Malachi.

Please join us as we reap Major Gains from Minor Prophets.

The Anatomy of Hope

Is there life after death? Why has the idea of the resurrection of Jesus persisted through centuries of challenges and sceptical questioning? Is there any hope in the face of the universal reality of death? And is the Christian hope more than just floating around in a white sheet playing a harp?

We began this series at Easter, delving into one of the earliest reflections on Jesus’ resurrection, written by one of the first leaders of the Jesus movement in the first century. Join us as we keep exploring this early reflection on the resurrection and what it means for all of us – the Anatomy of Hope. The Christian faith continues to hold out this hope because of what happened on the first Easter Sunday, nearly 2000 years ago.

Victoria Park Service Cancelled Due to Rain

Photo by Yusuf sinan on Pexels.com

Many apologies; due to the rain there will be no outdoor service at Victoria Park today. There will be someone from the church at the park, so if you want to come down and say hello we would be glad to see you. Please feel free to join us any Sunday, 9:30 am at 95 Percival street.

The hope of Easter!

Hope is something human beings need – the last couple of years have made us more aware of that than ever! We all need hope – something to look forward to, some light at the end of the tunnel. And a hope that doesn’t disappoint us.

If there is one thing Easter is about, it is hope. For 2000 years, Christians have found that the events that we remember at Easter bring hope – a hope which holds out even through the hardest circumstances. And we think, if you have the courage really consider what Easter is all about, you will find real reason for hope too.

That’s why we’d love to have you come and be part of our considerations and celebrations of the hope of Easter. We are celebrating this hope in a few ways:

  • A Good Friday service where we reflect on why Good Friday is ‘good’ (9:30am, Friday 15th)
  • An Easter Sunday service at church, celebrating the hope of Easter (9:30am, Sunday 17th)
  • An Easter Sunday family friendly service in Victoria Park, where we will share this hope together (11:30am at Victoria Park, with a picnic afterwards if you would like)

You are so very welcome to come and share in the Reality of Hope with us at Easter time.

For more info: https://stpetersoftherock.church/easter-services/

All Together Now

We are so excited to be able to be all back together again! Because, as of tonight, the gathering number restrictions under the Red Traffic Light setting have eased. So we can meet as one congregation again.

This coming Sunday (April 10th) will therefore be a bit of a celebration. And you are more than welcome to join us for it!

We meet at 95 Percival Street, at 9:30am.

Once more, all together now…

(More info on our service under Red can be seen here.)

Galatians – A Passion for the Gospel

When something really matters, it is natural to be passionate about it. That is exactly the case with the letter to the Galatians – a letter written by the Apostle Paul to a group of churches he loved, penned only about 20 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus. This very early letter is full of the urgency of someone speaking about something that really matters to a group of people he really cares about.

That in itself makes it a great read. But what makes this letter essential is that the thing Paul as so urgent about – the gospel of Jesus Christ – remains vital and precious for us today.

God has worked through this powerful letter to do extraordinary things over the last 2000 years. And we are excited to see what he does with us as we open it up, starting this Sunday.

We’d love to have you join us.

Sunday School

For anyone wanting a look at next term’s Sunday school lessons, they are now on our kids web page.

Thanks for joining us, it was good to see you.

To everyone who was able to join us over Christmas, we hope you enjoyed your time with us. We would love for you to call in and say hello again in 2022.

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